This beautiful photo by Kindra Clineff catches nature one-upping human craftsmanship. I can just hear that spider piping "neener neener neener". Also, it's a perfect follow-up to Christobal Vila's graceful animation about math in nature, which has now officially gone spiral-viral.
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Although I think such a web-savvy spider would rather say "I'm in ur spiral, discretizing your analog radii" :-D
Oh, someone should totally make an LOLspider out of this.
This is incredibly beautiful. Several years ago I took a picture of a web acrost a trail that caught the sun light beautifully. There was some sort of seriously nasty looking spider in the center. At first I thought it was a nice contrast in the beauty of the creator and the beauty of the created. But, overtime, that damned spider was just too creepy looking...just made my skin crawl. Don't get me wrong, I could've handled a nice black and yellow garden spider, not that I want a close up....but this thing even from a distance just looked dangerous and frightening...
LIKE! Awesome photo - thanks for posting it for all of us to enjoy.
That's exactly what I imagine the spider said.
Hot damn we live in a complex and beautiful world.
is it ok if i use your picture of the spider spiral for one of my art projects? :) i'd like to draw it.