How many careers can I have at once? Because this sounds perfect...

Okay, so is this the perfect job for me or what?

Massachusetts College of Art and Design seeks a full time, tenure track interdisciplinary position in the Liberal Arts Department at the assistant or associate professor level to teach biology and environmental science and related science courses, including arts-oriented science courses, beginning in September 2011. The Liberal Arts department provides the general education component of Massachusetts College of Art's BFA degree program. Successful candidates will help build an academic program in collaboration with colleagues from non-scientific disciplines and will bring an interdisciplinary focus to teaching and researching in science and contemporary art.

Drool. If it were only in DC. . .

I'm only half kidding. (I actually applied for an almost identical job on the West coast about five years ago, prior to my first career u-turn). Ah, well, the road not taken.

Massachusetts College of Art and Design really does have an active interdisciplinary sciart program - kinetic sculptor Dan Roe teaches there. Check out this current show (runs through Dec. 2):

Cell-f, an exhibition of new work by Heidi Kayser, opens November 15th 2010 at the Arnheim Gallery at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Cell-f includes Proprioceptive Refraction, a video sculpture in collaboration with Sarah Rushford, and Keeping the Core, a continually evolving project with participation from students in Professor Dan Roe's Biological Form and Function class at MassArt and students in Kayser's Public Art for Social Change class at The Urbano Project.

Stratum Dysjunctum, a large installation of 7000 plastic filled air pillows of the sort used in place of packaging peanuts, cordoned off by a thirty foot long rope made from ten years of the artists own hair, is the center piece of the Cell-f exhibition.

The collaborative evolving project Keeping the Core consists of thirty glass bottles full of crayon shavings in various flesh tones, and the video sculpture with Sarah Rushford explores proprioception, the sense that indicates where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other, and uses video to extend the human limits of this sense. Also in the show are nine digital prints that further explore the concepts of a "Self" made of "Cells".

Reception: Thursday Dec 2, 2010 5-7pm

Panel Discussion: Thursday Dec 2, 2010 7-8pm

I love the trend towards interdisciplinary sci-art education! Bravo, MassArt.

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