Poll: Where are the institutional programs?

This is a pushmi-pullyu post. I need some help with an environmental scan, so I'll get us started and the rest of you smart folks can amplify my knowledge.

I want to understand what's going on where with data curation specifically at the institutional level (no NOAA, no ICPSR, none of that) Stateside. Grant-funded is fine, though I'm doubly curious about programs that have been weaned (or are weaning themselves) off the grant money. Here are the programs I know about offhand:

Tell me what I'm missing, please and thank you.

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By Nathan Sarr (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Well, actually it's a private workspace for sharing of any type of file or data with no restriction on usage - so it can be used for either - it's up to the researcher.

Size does become an issue on upload - on campus; we have had examples of uploaded files larger than 200 MB. However, I'm not sure what raw data set size you are looking into. Gigabyte size data sets may be another story.

By Nathan Sarr (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

You'd surely have to include UC's CDL... their digital preservation initiative has even been re-branded University of California Curation Center (UC3).

And surely Johns Hopkins would be worth a mention; their Datanet-funded activity stems from local roots.

Several of the NDIIPP projects have strong local rots as well. Georgia Tech would be a good example, I think.

By Chris Rusbridge (not verified) on 16 Nov 2009 #permalink

Excellent. Many thanks! (Now, I will wander off and try to find out why my emailed comment notifications aren't working properly...)