
I've been interviewed by Bora Zivkovic, apropos of many things. Click over if you've a mind.

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tags: ethics, journalistic ethics, PepsiCo Food Frontiers blog, advertorial, ScienceBlogs, Seed Media Group, Adam Bly I am greatly saddened to be able to tell you finally that my friend and colleague -- no, former colleague -- Bora Zivkovic, is leaving ScienceBlogs for good. I suspected and then…
There is a new (nice and long) article by Laura Bonetta about science blogging in today's issue of the journal Cell. Bloggers on A Blog Around The Clock, Pharyngula, Aetiology, Framing Science, The Daily Transcript, Sandwalk, In the Pipeline, Nobel Intent, Useful Chemistry, De Rerum Natura and…
[Welcome mental_floss blog and Daily Kos readers. After you read about this outstanding young woman, you can learn more about me, my life story, and this blog here.] If you read elsewhere at, you'll know that several bloggers have been discussing race and gender issues in the…
A couple of four years ago, a few dudes I just met around town had this idea to bring together a few bloggers who write about science. One was Anton Zuiker and the other was Bora Zivkovic, also known as Coturnix or He-Whose-Mind-Teh-Intertubes-Pass-Before-Going-Out-To-The-World. Anton also has a…

Lovely interview, Dorothea! I hope next time the sciblings all meetup that we get a chance to say hello!

I'm afraid you'll recognize me by my really bad shoes, but I hope you'll stop for a chat anyway!