LOL Sacred Belief Systems

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"They should be considered as meat patties."

Holy luncheon meats Batman.

& Ceiling Cat wuz in his holey Kitteh Kondo base speekin un2 me & sed, u iz sais un2 Greg:

u iz go RITE NAO un2 teh LOLTheist blawg, & u sais 2 teh Hi Preest d00d, o hai. i maded u sum LOLz, but i did not eated dem, & u can has dem.

& teh Hi Preest d00d shal sees dem & gets ded form teh ROFLz. & bees teh Hi Preest d00d is teh gret, 4 he can has rezerekshun & comz bak all aliev & stufs cuz we iz giv him 9 liefs.

& aftr he iz com bak all aliev & stufs, he shal sai un2 u, w00t! dese r teh funneh & meks me get ded form teh ROFLz. i can has dem on mai blawg, & all mai peeps shal seez dem, & der shall bees mush LOLOLOLing & ROFLing, & it shal bees teh gret. rly.


By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Bottom image: "All hail the Holy Stri-Dex."