Fandom Meme!

So you've got your Harry Potter fandom, your Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom, your Pirates of the Caribbean fandom and your Star Trek fandom.* Isn't it about time for an Evolutionist/Rationalist fandom? Well, isn't it? Check out my answers to the meme** that's sweeping the fan-i-verse!

Note added in proof: The responses to this meme may readily be extended to any scientist-fandom, e.g., see comment #1. Have at it!

01. The first character I first fell in love with.
Charles Darwin. Sweeeeeet!


02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now.
Thomas Huxley - Darwin's bulldog. Woof! (It's the sideburns.)


03. The character everyone else loves that I don't.
Sam Harris: the sweetheart of all rationalist fangurls. I mean, c'mon. . . this guy is the Orlando Bloom of atheism.


04. The character I love that everyone else hates.
Richard Lewontin just 'cause of those spunky spandrels.


05. The character I used to love but don't any longer.
Richard Dawkins - the man sounds like a crazy cat lady at times.


06. The character I would shag anytime.
Richard Dawkins - love him or hate him, he's still highly shaggable.


07. The character I'd want to be like. (except for the dead part)
The late Carl Sagan - the reasons for my admiration number in the billll-yuns!


08. The character I'd slap.
Daniel Dennett - Dawkins' Rottweiler needs to stop humping his master's leg.


09. A pairing that I love.
Neil deGrasse Tyson/Lawrence Krauss - physicist slash at its best. Oh, baby!
(Psssst. I think Lawrence Krauss might be a fan of some kind of pop cultural icon.)

10. A pairing that I despise.
Pat Robertson/Ted Haggard. Truly unholy.

*For the non-cognoscenti, i.e., normal people, examples of fannishness may be found here: Science Fiction and Fantasy Fandom.

**My head almost exploded from having to use that...that meme word.

Hat tip to...well, you know who you are.

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The first character I first fell in love with: Bill Nye (Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!)

10. A pairing that I despise: G.W. Bush & Billy Graham

Interesting, but who will play them in the movie.