Adoption Day!!!!!

More soon, but I can finally show you pictures of my whole family. We celebrated the adoption of Deniece, Rimonah, Judah, Malkiah and Hezekiah yesterday, to our incredible joy! I have professional pictures coming, and will do good ones of each individual child, but here's the best one of the whole family so far. Thanks to my mother, who bought the color-coordinated purple clothes for all 10 kids months ahead - when we still didn't know when there would be an adoption.


From left - Eli (16 in a few days), Me (43), Rimonah (6), Deniece (13), Malkiah (4), Eric (45), Kai (3), Judah (6), Isaiah (12), Asher (10), Zion (3 1/2), Simon (14)



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Beautiful family! Congratulations! I learn so much from your blog and am grateful that you manage to keep writing even occasionally.

An absolutely wonderful day. The joys of being official. Congratulations.

Of course you all wore purple for St Urho's Day!

Seriously though, it is heart warming to see you all together after all this time. Keep up the great work as a family :)

By Double Shelix (not verified) on 16 Mar 2016 #permalink

Congratulations to your whole beautiful family!

I'm guessing you aren't all Raven's fans (or Vikings fans either). Congratulations on a fine looking family.

Congratulations, you have a wonderful family!

Congratulations for the colour co-ordination ;-)! I have enjoyed your articles for quite awhile but first became acquainted with you via some comments made by Pat Meadows on Only Heirlooms @ Thank you for your nice photo (and the writings you've done the past few years).

By Paul Holloway (not verified) on 27 Apr 2016 #permalink

Congratulations to all of you!!!