No more Exploding Spaceship Bikini Babes with Large Guns

Jim Baen died.

He was publisher of Baen Books, the primary source of libertarian and military oriented science fiction, with emphasis on the above. He discovered and promoted some excellent authors, and kept teenage boys everywhere amused for hours.

He also premiered online fan discussion with authors, electronic publishing and distribution of free electronic books from the Baen books archives.


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That news makes me very sad. Jim Baen was a rarity among publishers: a class act all the way.

By CaptainMike (not verified) on 29 Jun 2006 #permalink

I was very sad when I heard about the stroke. I am even sadder now.

Jim Baen was also trying to revolutionise publishing through the distribution of online books, I hope that the revolution will take hold.

Books need not be expensive to be worthwhile.

By LiberalDirk (not verified) on 29 Jun 2006 #permalink

He will be missed. Definitely pu8blished some of my favorite authors, including Keith Laumer, even after he died. Is not, is not, not is Jim.