Rainer skyr randomness

Mm, fresh Rainer cherries go very well with vanilla skyr

For some reasons there are an amazing number of wild raspberry canes fruiting this year; we're picking a pint or two in 20-30 mins (with two munchkins "helping" this is not as slows as it sounds), and there's more every day, both black and red varieties.

Pick your own cherries for a day later this week, and rumours are the commercial pick your own raspberry farms are open. Real soon it will be blueberry season. Yay. We'll go for more than last year, down to our last pound and if we were not exactly rationing ourselves, we were not exactly in full devour mode either for the last couple of months.
So, soon it will be skyr with fresh blueberries! And cream! Woo hoo.

Hm, still waiting on the Shuttle. Should find out if Hubble's ACS is fully operational tomorrow.

Looks like the USS Reagan is heading back to the west coast, docked in Hawaii yesterday, and the USS Lincoln is on exercises with allied fleets in the area, so only two carriers in west pac/indian/gulf region. With the "extended deadline" till July 12th (was June 29) for Iran to respond to the nuke negotiators, it looks like we'll get to finish the world cup without war. I'd be surprised if anything rash happens in late July, and no one ever does anything in August, so mid-Sep is the next time to look at moves - October would look too blatantly like electioneering. Hard to believe the admin will not do something stupid about Iran though.

All European semi-finals in the World Cup; the Brazilians looked out of it, and I'd never have thought France would have stepped up.
Shame about England, sending Rooney off was harsh, the "stomp" looked incidental to him shaking out of the leg lock, and I can't believe it was the shove on Ronaldo that did it. But, England will never do better unless they learn to take penalties: one out of three is pathetic at this level and inexcusable given the history. Bad coaching.
France will spank Portugal if they continue playing at this level, but I don't see them beating Germany.
Italy's defence vs Germany's offence should be interesting, if the Italians go one up they're likely to fall back on their defence, have to hope for an early German goal and an open game.


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