World Cup: Final

France vs Italy eh, could be good, could be not good...

Italy did well to hold off Germany, their defence+goalie look invulnerable.
They're good on the counter, but the first goal looked like a defensive error by the Germans, looked like someone missed their assignment.

Only saw the last few (and very exciting) mins of France vs Portugal. Glad the "good French team" showed up. Did not develop much fondness for Portugal watching their games, they'd do even better still if their players just focused their abundant talent on playing.

So, the final...

Well, if the France that beat Brazil shows up to play the Italy that beat Germany, then it will be one of the best finals ever.
If the France that tied Switzerland shows up to play the Italy that tied the US shows up, it'll be one of the worst ever.

Italy has the better defence and goalkeeper, but if Zidane is on form and feeds the forwards, then France wins: 2-1 I say.
If Italy scores first, and settles into defence, I go to the park to play, don't need another yawner.

Update: Hm, only saw the last ~ hour.
Interesting game. So much for my predictive powers, eh?
Good for Italy that they beat the PK curse. Feel sorry for Trezeguet.
What on earth was going on with Zidane, he was hurt and tired, but he was also the captain, one of the most experienced players in the world and this was his last game.
What could Materazzi have said for Zidane to do something so stupid. Unforgivable.

Nipple tweak? You have got to be kidding me...


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