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Bar? I would bring an iron bar if I wanted a weapon. Gel may not be hard enough on skulls. You maust have meant "bra"....
The text is cut'n'paste verbatim from the link.
"Gel Bars" are banned if you "were" them.
Do we conclude that airport security is run by warriors, not wizards? Only edged and pointy weapons are banned...
Gel bars...I'm not so sure any more who is running security..is it hair-gel bars by any chance?
This of course begs the question... I know people wear Gel Brassiere's for both prosthetic and cosmetic purposes.
BUT, who wears Gel BARS for prosthetic, or cosmetic purposes, and WHERE.
And, how do they find them? Pat down searches?
I am having Spinal Tap flashbacks now - kids nowadays just ain't what they used to be.
Ah well, I've been virally infected by a blog meme
Clearly this is all down to SNAKES ON A PLANE!
Get with the program. What, do you still stick a rolled-up sock down your skivvies? It's the 21st century, dude.
I have video of gel bars being used in an evil way.
Gel bars represent one of the most heinous evils in the world today.
Thanks for alerting the world!
YouTube dood.
If you ever wondered whether someone had implants or not, take this little quiz. But they won't get stopped from bording..right?