I hear thunder

Drove to DC today.
Took six hours, rather longer than planned.
Car transporter jack-knifed on the PA turnpike, took out two 18 wheelers. If there were any passenger cars involved, they'd been cleared up by the time I got through.
Heavy rain.
As I approached the beltway, it had become an impressive thunderstorm, lightning and booming thunder

Then I got into the hotel, logged on, and understood.
Neighbour Daniel, the Union, she has a barnacled bottom, lost her rudder, and the captain is chasing a great white whale. The bilges are awash and the smelly water is rising.
I hope the crew wakes soon.


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6hrs to DC? Wow! That's like twice as long as it should take. You can usually make it all the way to North Carolina in that amount of time.

Yeah, that drive sucked.
Only good thing is I'd stopped for coffee when I saw the ambulances head for the turnpike, so I stayed for an early dinner. Still stuck for a long time as they routed traffice past on the shoulder.
Very spectacular seeing the car-transport - would not have been nice to have been on the turnpike just then.
Rest of the delay was slow traffic on the 270/495 due to weather.
Thunder was really booming.