things I learned this week

Thanks to iTunes "share inside the firewall" option, the graduate students can track my comings and going in real time. I guess I consider this a "feature" since I control sharing.

The impact of the buttocks of a 12kg baby at ~ 2 m/sec on the face is comparable in effect to that of a slow roundhouse punch by a drunk adult...

There are people who hold receptions in freshman chemistry wet labs.
They serve food, finger food and cheese platters, on the lab benches.
There are people who show up and eat at such events.
I think they were administrative staff.


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As an alum whose knowledge of PSU is currently restricted to what I read in the Collegian Online, I have to ask:

What the hairy heck is going on with the student government fiasco up there? First there's a new government, even though USG is still around. Then, the newly elected leader of said government acts like an ass. Then the next day he's no longer the elected leader and gets arrested for a misdemeanor on top of it? It sounds like a bad SNL skit...

I know! People are so...what's the word I'm looking for...oh yes...STUPID.

Before heading to grad school, and taking an instructors position in a community college science department, I was a shift supervisor in a clinical laboratory in a major urban medical center. (I'm trained as a biochemist).

It is a miracle more hospital administrators do not perish from horrific diseases acquired on visits to the hospital lab because they are utterly ignorant.