Good use of the passive voice

Cohen of the Washington Post find it refreshing that Stephanopoulos was shocked by Bush's direct lie about Rumsfeld before the election.

It is shocking how rarelyoften, and how selectively, the Washington political establishment and leading media figures casually accept blatant lies as part of business as usual.

If only, a widely read, often influential commentator had picked up this issue back when, and hammered on it repeatedly, highlighting each lie, and been supported, not shushed or mocked, by his or her colleagues.


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It is shocking how rarely, and how selectively, the Washington political establishment and leading media figures casually accept blatant lies as part of business as usual.

Hmmm ... bit of a rewrite needed here, I'd suggest. :-)

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink

Er, well, you knew what I meant...

Of course, and it's a powerful point which deserved revision! :-)

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink