Walking on Water


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You don't understand. You can't just come to the Sea of Galilee and start walking on water. If you could, everybody would be doing it. You need to prepare yourself. -Walk on Water As some of you may have noticed from looking at the site over the past few days, Scienceblogs has partnered with…
Via Will's Clicked, a Spanish TV show on science and technology demonstrates the "shear-thickening" property of a non-Newtonian fluid (i.e., where rapid application of forces causes the fluid to behave like a solid). Pretty cool - watch what happens around 1:49 when one of the hosts stands still…
Doug Hamilton has a nifty Astronomy Workshop web page, with lots of fun little tools. I had used some of these for my "Stars for Poets" course, but was reminded of them when looking at Bad Astronomy this morning. Doug has a Generic central force integrator, an issue which came up recently of…
nanoscale views: Reviewing- why, how, and how often? "well written, thorough, timely referee reports almost always improve the quality of scientific papers" (tags: academia science physics articles writing) Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Long-dreaded politics post "[A]fter seven years of…