NASA HQ has a press conference wednesday at 1 pm on news on Mars discoveries from the now defunct Mars Global Surveyor.
Not coincidentally, perchance, NASAwatch has a pointer to Aviation Week news snippet on MGS having seen evidence for current flowing liquid water on Mars
This would be very very interesting, if that is the news and if confirmed by current generation of orbiters.
More tomorrow. News is embargoed (and AW&ST is in deep shit if they broke embargo on this).
PS more on Cumbrian Sky
and astronote
Here is a picture that might have started some of the speculation
From Malin Space Science Systems
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter website with MGS gone, MRS is best bet to confirm this possible claim.
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As I suspected today's announcement from NASA is on evidence for
current liquid water flowing on Mars
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This is the image.
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By Dr. Adrian Brown
Planetary physicist at the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe, SETI Institute, and Gail Jacobs
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Cool. A day after they announced they were interested in a long-duration moon base, too.