wtf? an unscientific puzzle

the Saudi ambassador to the US has resigned suddenly

wazzup with that?

is he going home to spend more time with the family?
is he going back for a promotion and needs to consolidate his position internally?
does he know something we don't? a kossack speculates

if Turki really resigned on Sep 4th 2001 as reported, then it'd be interesting to know more

I don't believe the Saudi's have "dirty bombs" nor that they would want them (I'm sure they could get some if they really wanted, but talk about overrated!)
what is more intriguing is recent reporting that the Saudi's have a pre-arranged contract with Pakistan to get a turnkey nuke on demand, presumably based on Saudi funding of Pakistan efforts?
makes any move by Iran that much more "interesting"

I hope there are some grownups out there paying attention to this at the appropriate paygrade

PS: to be speciifc Turki was head of Saudi intelligence until early Sep 2001, when by happenstance he resigned suddenly, having been sometime liasion with bin Laden.
In 2002 then appointed ambassador, with diplomatic immunity, to the Court of St James, until the previous Saudi ambassador to the US, Bandar bin Sultan (who did good stuff at the Aspen Institute) resigned at the end of June 2005, and Turki moved to the US in his place.
Coincidence that.

Not that I'm paranoid or anything.


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