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PLEASE SHARE IF YOU ARE INSPIRED BY THIS STORY! (Send us your opinion today: What are the challenges faced by NASA engineers and scientists in keeping the Space Station and its astronauts safe from harmful bacteria, viruses and other nasty microbes?  Tell us what you think of Monserrate’s…
Mauna Kea from space taken April 2009. Image courtesy of the NASA EO. Just a quick link to a stunning photo of Mauna Kea in Hawai'i taken April 29, 2009 from the International Space Station. You can clearly see the pyroclastic material and abundant cinder cones that litter the flanks of the…
“It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years to make the stars and planets, but five billion years to make man!” -George Gamow Whenever Earth Day comes around, I see a lot of different reactions from people. Some express their passion for the environment, others express…