Mac Book Pro - good SFbag

I finally replaced my poor laptop and discovered that although my case fits not only the poor old 12" and the antique 15" it is just too tight for the new 15.4".
Never mind if I have it in its skin.

So... turns out the campus store has a strong backpack bias for laptop bags, for some unfathomable reason. Not my look; backbacks are for mountains and lava fields, not airports and campuses.

The Apple store selection was not satisfactory, I'm sure there were some ok bags there, but nothing struck me as worthy.

So, google time, and after some browsing I stumbled on SFbags carrying "WaterField Designs".

I settled on a Cozmo, it just arrived, and it is damn nice.
Good feel, good look, good fit. Functional design.
I like it.

We'll see how it does in the next rounds of serious travel, but so far, so good.


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I sure wish they'd go on and create a 12" silver Macbook pro. They'd have at least one enthusiastic customer for it...

By Katherine Sharpe (not verified) on 04 Jan 2007 #permalink

I was all hot to recommend Waterfield Designs before I read far enough to see that you had found it yourself. I'm on my second, since my old TiBook slipcover didn't fit my new MBP. I was impressed both times by the service from this company. They sent my order out the very same day I ordered it.

I've had a waterfield cargo bag for the last two years. It still looks as good as the day I bought it. They are pricey but worth the high cost. They do have one problem: the metal buckle. Its very handy for taking everything out of your bag at the airport quickly, but it does catch on the turnstiles on the metro frequently (and it can scratch your car door if you're not careful). The Waterfield staff are very helpful and friendly (they even let me send my bag back to get some extra hoops attached for a minimum charge). If you get the sleeve, make sure you get the hoops and the flap attached. It then doubles as an extra computer bag when you're traveling.

Ah, the Cozmo is zip, not buckle.
I wanted their sleeve when I saw it, but the very first thing I did was buy a sleeve on the campus store to lower chances of any damage to the new toy and I couldn't rationalise buying two sleeves. Yet.