Baghdad, Indiana

"like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime"

The LA Times' John Kenney reports:

"...The F-14s flew by low. Each of us activated our earpieces and hand-held mini walkie-talkies, agreed on a frequency, and I slowed the car to 15 mph as Carol and the boys opened the doors and rolled out, taking cover under shrubbery near the Bibb lettuce stand (the boys love salad!)."

Typical journamalisms!
I mean, everybodyyyy knows that the F-14 was retired from service last year.
The only people still flying F-14s are the Iranian Air Force...

Oh, my god, you don't suppose they got Indiana already?!

(h/t kos)


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Hey, so its a Ringo pastiche. Still works.

I used up my street cred attending Caltech football games during their streak.
That was when they had the longest winning streak! And provided free beer at their games.
I think three of us showed up for one game. They actually had a decent running back, kid from Louisiana, he transferred out as I recall. I worked with him on some student gov projects. Lloydie I think he was.