ADS expansion

Not satisfied with having conquered the 17th century canon, the Astrophysical Data System has a new (to me) feature...

The ADS now lists proposals.

A colleague of mine found this by accident, when he came across the phrase "all important" in an abstract. This is a curiously immodest turn for a paper, but it turned out to be an XMM proposal... like this one


A quick browse revealed a shocking number of "all important" entried in ADS, and the 2006 proposals for XMM and Chandra and NOAO


Now, NASA usually publishes successful proposal abstracts as a matter of policy, if you know where to find them. I expect HST and Spitzer proposals will soon be indexed by ADS and then ATP and ADP and the other R&A programs.

But NOAO is NSF which doesn't usually publish this stuff. This is good... and of course the NSF proposals are also public, if you know where to look, so presumably ADS will index those too.

With the recent proposal to publish unsuccessful proposals we could move to totally open access astronomy.


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