science appropriation hints

House subcommittee on Science and Related Agencies has marked up its appropriations bill

Looking good...

They give NASA and extra $290 million, majority for Science.
Sounds like they also plan to put in the barriers between line item spending in NASA, to preclude some divisions (exploration) raiding others (science and aeronautics).
We'll see what the Senate does.

NSF is on target for doubling, according to this, which would be another decent sized increase in its budget. Again both details in which divisions get the moolah will matter, as will what the Senate has to say. But this is a good, and early, start.

Oh and NIST does good as does climate science, by the sound of it.

Next up NIH and DoE


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Increased spending on Science will mean that the Administration will have to hire more political minders and editors.

Spoiler alert!

$500 million in projected cuts for NIH.

Ouch, that will hurt the bio/med community

DoE House bill looks good right now, but the White House has said they'll veto.
On the other hand the WH wants the DoE science office to get its increase, it is the rest they differ about.

If pressure from the public and science community can get a Hubble repair mission, perhaps it can help other science (like the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.)