two to get ready

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We are back to "Massive Black Holes" Happy Birthday Alberto! Alberto Sesana (AEI) leads off with "Probing massive black holes with space-based interferometry and pulsar timing" starts with overview of gravitational radiation - characteristic frequencies, amplitudes, timescales Baby Black Holes - up…
the Massive Black Holes workshop at KITP continues, with another Black Hole Pairs session Mike Eracleous kicks off: Observational Searches for Close Supermassive Binary Black Holes emission line signatures of close (~ sub-parsec) supermassive binary black holes cf "A Large Systematic Search for…
So, since I have been, like, actually organizeering black hole stuff over the last couple of weeks, one might wonder what is up with black holes? Well, I can't really talk about the really cool stuff, yet, but there were some interesting news: NGC 3758 has two black holes about 10,000 light…
Final day of the "A Universe of Black Holes" workshop with a session: "Modeling Black Hole Accretion and Outflows" - all MHD sims today... Chris Reynolds (Univ. of Maryland) starts with - The temporal variability of model accretion disks Had to miss this. Go check it online, Chis gives fab talks.…