Her Majesty's Beagle

Not to be confused with either the corgies, or Icelandic Roast Beagles with schmear and lax

The Beagle Project is building a replica of HMS Beagle and going to retrace its celebrated voyage, with added science bonus, to commemorate Darwin's imminent 200th birthday.

The project's web pages are currently squatting here but insist they will be moving to their new home real soon now.

It is a great idea, and should attract some good publicity, be also interesting to see what new science they do; be interesting to duplicate Craig Venter's recent yacht trip sampling oceanic micro-biodiversity, as well as more classical studies. Don't know if they have capacity to do anything like that.

As long as they bring a good stereo, because you got to know, that as they approach the Galapagos, HMHB's "God gave us life" will be blaring out from the speakers, cranked to "11"...

"...but he also gave us Matthew Kelly" - who, to be fair, was always Game for a Laugh...


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Thanks for the story. Blogrolled. Yes, we're doing metagenomics like Venter (we're talking to the Venter institute) but we'll be sailing around Cape Horn, like the original Beagle. (Sorcerer 2 went through the Panama Canal. Ahem.)

The headline science for 2009? Very much in your 'field'. I've leaked (emailed) you the letter announcing the link up. Writing the press release now.