Silly, Very Silly.

Doug N. got a memo on faculty recruiting

Apparently post-boomer faculty are completely unreasonable in their expectations, and the silverbacks in academia are trying to analyse the new demands.

Doug goes straight to the point, the young 'uns want:

  • Not to be treated poorly where they work
  • Have a life, and not be given shit about having a life
  • Not to be told stupid things by clueless senior people
  • Not to be stuck with stupid, obscure or byzantine policies

We also want ponies.
Freedom, liberty and justice for all.
Peace in our times and love and harmony.

Really, we do. We learned this from our dirty fucking hippy elders.
Not our fault they sold out and forgot.


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My parents were no hippies, but I want all that too!

Except for ponies. I really don't care for ponies.