
On saturday I spend a fair fraction of the day seeing a small plane endlessly circling over town, and the local fooball stadium

it was towing a large banner, advertisement for a major car insurance company.

I was idly wondering for most of that day, just why Geico was using Che Guevara's image to advertise itself...


It was the absence of the signature beret that finally clued me in...
I am sooooooo out of touch with contemporary pop culture.

PS: From comments

Too funny. Wish I had thought of it.

Viva la evolucion!

(looks like several variants available on Cafe Press and similar sites)


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Let me be the first to admit that I still don't get it.
Something from television?

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 10 Sep 2007 #permalink

I still don't get it. Based on Rigder's hint, this Wikipedia article offers a clew. Apparently there's an insurance company in the USA called "GEICO" which uses a cartoonish "caveman" in its advertisements, and I'm guessing this cartoon character bears a faint resemblance to Che, but why a small plane is pointlessly flying in circles and contributing unnecessarily to AGW whilst towing a banner of this "caveman"-as-Che (or Che-was-a-"caveman"?) is beyond me.

I suppose that in addition to having some idea what the current pop culture is, you also have to live in the USA (and watch TV?) to make any sense of this?