worst f'ing Icelandic accent ever

Outfit is wrong.
Flag colour is wrong (shade of blue, dood)
And no no no hockey sticks! You think we're Finns or something?

Funny though


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I have always been proud when someone said I had Nordic accent. ;-) The clip is funny but I am afraid that these fat cowards are really not necessary on the ground...

Well,,, from this Icelander; only laughs. Loved it. Who cares about the wrong accent or the blue in the flag. WERE out of there!!

yup - we're outta there. Symbolic, but at least the new government is making some changes...
Although I guess the rest of our surprise "Crisis Response Unit" are still playing soldiers out in Afghanistan.
I still think they could have worked on getting the right shade of blue... ;-)

from what I know about the agenda of this unit I belive they spend as much time at target practice in Norway as they do bringing down planes at Kabul airport.
Oh and the flag, I think the blue is starting to pale to a matt Aluminium color

Very funny.
And hey..what is wrong with the hockey stick! :)

By Patrick Durrell (not verified) on 02 Oct 2007 #permalink

I believe there is a logical explanation for the Hockey-stick. My theory is that since Iceland has no armed-forces and therefor no uniforms or weaponry, the logical thing was to dress that single soldier up in a Hockey suit with a Hockey-stick, for both offence and defence. We have at least 2 Hockey teams in Iceland with a minimum of 57 guys so they had their choice of soldiers.
As must be evident by now, Iceland is becoming quite the international power and if our Goverment's dreams come through Iceland will soon have a seat in the UN's Security counsel. And that is no joke. Even China expressed their support for Icelands application today.

The hockey stick is probably a reference to global warming.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 02 Oct 2007 #permalink

I recommend that the coalition erects two crossed hockey-sticks across a major highway in Bagdad to commemorate our work there.

The hockeystick is like camouflage, everyone will think he is really a canuck Finn, and everyone knows they are very fierce and incredibly good shots. So no one messes with the lone Icelander.

This also explaines the clothing, since no Icelander would be caught dead in whatever that guy in the video was wearing... they could at least have done a colour co-ordinated 66 North ensemble, or Cintanami or Zo-On, or some pseudo-Alpine colour co-ordinated gear. Or some traditional lopi... if you must.