scary shorts for faculty

seasonal snippets for our seniors

  • your calendar shows more hours in committee than class this week
  • the papers need to be graded before the next assignment is due
  • oh, we charged a different overhead on that grant, a higher one
  • 4070 unread e-mails
  • ...including yours
  • not including the 1600 from mailing lists that are automatically filtered to archive
  • 146 of them have .doc attachments
  • at the current rate it will take 37 weeks to catch up on arXiv again, but at least the time is now finite and positive
  • yes, we are more than halfway through the semester
  • "I just need your signature on this"
  • "the deadline was last month
  • :: "hey, I finished that section like we talked about, ball is in your court. I think it would be really great if we wrapped this up before the end of semester" :: x3
  • the NSF and Spitzer deadlines are within one day of each other, and next month
  • oh yes, I did agree to do that, didn't I, back at the beginning of semester (what was I thinking?)
  • er, it is somewhere on my desk, I think
  • it is time for letters of recommendation? already?
  • "we think you should chair the committee"
  • "Ethics training seminar for faculty. It is mandatory for everyone. Three hours. But you get a free lunch!"
  • "We're changing your benefits options. We're dropping all the current providers and everyone will now have the same plan we negotiated with a new provider."
    "You can of course opt out and buy your own health insurance."

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