Astro Cat Pics Needed

I need photos of cats.

Cute, quirky or feline. Whichever.
As long as they are cat only or cat dominated, they are your pictures (you took them and own copyright) and you're willing to let me use them online lightly photoshopped for text and trimming. I'll provide link, acknowledgement or anonymity as desired, but I need a couple of dozen or more photos.

So send them in. Please..

UPDATE: thanks everyone. Between commenters and private e-mail I have a rather nice selection. Keep an eye out for your favourite wee beastie appearing in a subtly photoshopped kosmological concept.
I'm still working on the concept, but I am going somewhere with this...
I'll try to give individuals heads up as and when I use photos, and I am gradually developing photoshop touches.
Feel free to critique.


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