Snowy sunny friday, and the big chill is moving in, finally.
So, we ask the tres cool iPod - whence the Frontier?
Whoosh goes the randomizer.
- The Covering: Floreat Inertia - Half Man Half Biscuit
- The Crossing: Við Gróttu - Stríð Og Friður
- The Crown:Accident Waiting to Happen - Billy Bragg
- The Root: I Only Have Eyes For You - Billie Holliday
- The Past: Science Fiction/Double Feature - Richard O'Brien
- The Future: Now And Then - Arlo Guthrie
- The Questioner: Bought Me A Cat
- The House: Í Háttin Kl. 8 - Stuðmenn
- The Inside: Time Flies By (When You're A Driver of a Train) - Half Man Half Biscuit
- The Outcome:The Unwelcome Guest - Billy Bragg and Wilco
Heh. Good one.
Bonus points to those who spot the obscure relativity references in the assorted lyrics...
"I could be WHAT? on the WHAT? of science", ... "like a cheeky school boy"
The refrain of the Crossing is: "the Earth turns around the Sun, just like me"...
The Past and Future look rather good.
"Dana Andrews said prunes gave him the runes
And passing them used lots of skills
But when worlds collide, said George Pal to his bride
I'm gonna give you some terrible thrills, like a:
Science Fiction - Double Feature"
I like the Questioner, and the House goes to bed by 8.
"Bought me a cat
and the cat pleased me..."
As always, the Key as explained by Sean
The Inside: "Let it happen bass player..."
The Outcome:
I've never took food from the widows and orphans
And never a hard working man I oppressed
So take your pace easy,
for home soon like lightning
We soon will be riding, my shiny Black Bess
No fat rich man's pony can ever overtake you
And there's not a rider from the east to the west
Could hold you a light
in this dark mist and midnight
When the potbellied thieves
chase their unwelcome guest
I don't know, good horse,
as we trot in this dark here
That robbing the rich is for worse or for best
They take it by stealing and lying and gambling
And I take it my way, my shiny Black Bess"
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