liveblogging the high redshift universe

The first two billion years of galaxy formation: the reionization epoch and beyond.


The Aspen Center for Physics is a physics hostel of sorts, and a very nice one it is too.

The Aspen Center, which is located adjacent to the Aspen Institute on the edge of town, runs a series of (currently five) weekly workshop in january and february of each year, bringing in typically 50-100 physicists for intense workshops on a rotating series of "hot topics" in research.
In the summer there are four months of overlapping series of longer 3 week workshops where an effort is made to mingle the participants in different subfields.
The schedule is very intense, and in my experience, having attended a number of both winter and summer workshops, they are extremely productive.
In the past my experience has been that a summer workshop will likely lead to a long term shift in research emphasis on some topics, while the winter workshops lead to new papers and short term collaborations. And they are fun.


So, what of the science...


Via Lactea simulation from Diemand et al at UCSC showing the predicted dark matter substructure of a Milky Way sized galaxy

There is a long standing problem in structure formation, in that the standard cold dark matter model predicts far too many dwarf galaxies.
A galaxy roughly the size of the Milky Way ought to have thousands of dwarf galaxy companions, possibly tens of thousands, if stars form in low enough mass dark matter halos.
Simulations suggest that the dark matter halos are remarkable persistent, with a large fraction surviving as coherent structures despite the tidal forces of the "parent halo" in which they orbit, although some fraction is shredded completely through cosmic time.

But, the predicted dwarf galaxies are not there. Rather there are a few dozen at most (we don't know quite how many for sure, they are faint, diffuse and some are undoubtedly hidden behind the dust of the plane of the Milky Way).


So... how come?

Well, there are basically two explanations:
one is that the small dark matter halos never formed or were destroyed;
the second is that they formed, but for some reason never formed as many stars as would be expected.

Both possibilities are interesting.
If the halos never formed, then the small scale perturbations after the Big Bang were somehow suppressed, either because the perturbation spectrum is not as close to scale free as thought, and there is some new scale suppressing fluctuations - this would likely imply new physics; or because some process erased the small scale fluctuations as they formed - like warm dark matter.
If the halos formed (ie collapsed to non-linear regime and achieved high density) but were then erased as dark matter structures, this implies there is some cold dark matter physical process efficient at heating on those scales, which would be very interesting and might help us understand better the nature of dark matter.

Alternatively, the subhalos are there as predicted - the Milky Way halo is very lumpy - but there are not stars in them (there is the issue of the globular clusters - there are couple of hundred of them, and there might have been thousands more in the past - but for various reasons people don't fancy them as cold dark matter lump tracers - but, several of the known dwarf galaxies have nuclear clusters that look like pretty respectable globulars, and several globulars are suspected to be dwarf galaxy nuclei - and there has been some speculation that the globulars, which are compact, could be embedded in more extended bound dark matter halos - or not).
If the stars are not there, they most likely never formed (it is hard to get rid of stars once they form), this could be either due to external influences - like a radiation field ionizing the gas so it can't cool to form stars; or due to internal influences, like when these lumps start to make stars some internal feedback like supernova or ionizing radiation, very efficiently precludes further star formation.

So, on one hand new physics, on the other hand classical messy physics.

Each scenario leads to somewhat different detailed predictions - but, none currently are satisfactory, they don't fit in detail.
The scenarios are of course not mutually exclusive, there could be new physics and messy physics conspiring to suppress the dwarf galaxy formation.
This is, however, one of these problems that looks to be soluble in a finite time with some serious hard work and more constraining data. Then in a few years we might wonder what all the fuzz was about.


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hi steinn--

the reason i gave the globulars in dark matter idea such play in our review article (way out of proportion to its likelihood) was that i wanted a theorist or two to revisit the issue and come up with some good, observable properties such objects should have. if i accepted the claims that some clusters have flat dispersion profiles at large radii (the observations here are their own issue) i still don't know whether these are consistent with the tidal effects we should see in the outer parts of most globs.

Would these haloes have formed first epoch (i.e. really large) stars or regular stars? You could imagine a lot of these things getting shredded by the energetic explosions of big stars if that's what they were populated with.

Well, Mashchenko has been arguing the case for this recently, and I have batted the idea around with a couple of people. Will probably try some quantitative stuff out with a postdoc and some colleagues real soon now.
It is an interesting possibility, may be part of the explanation for what is going on.

What's the buzz on A1689-zD1 ?

Hubble Finds Strong Contender For Galaxy Distance Record

ScienceDaily (Feb. 13, 2008) -- The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, with a boost from a natural 'zoom lens', has found the strongest evidence so far for a galaxy with a redshift significantly above 7. It is likely to be one of the youngest and brightest galaxies ever seen right after the cosmic 'dark ages', just 700 million years after the beginning of our Universe (redshift ~7.6).

Detailed images from Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) reveal an infant galaxy, dubbed A1689-zD1, undergoing a firestorm of star birth as it comes out of the dark ages, a time shortly after the Big Bang, but before the first stars completed the reheating of the cold, dark Universe. Images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Array Camera provided strong additional evidence that it was a young star-forming galaxy in the dark ages.

"We certainly were surprised to find such a bright young galaxy 13 billion years in the past", said astronomer Garth Illingworth of the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and a member of the research team. "This is the most detailed look to date at an object so far back in time." [truncated]

Yes, liveblogging please. Pretty please, with high metallicity on top!