strange things in academia

would the person who left the flowery hula skirt in my office this weekend please come and collect it...

an explanation for how it got there would also be useful.


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Prospectives visit... totally wild, dude.
But, I left the party early, had chapters 2-3 of Harry Potter III to read

So, definitely not mine.
Yet. It does look like it might fit me.

I guess this is the next step after edible panties, firearms, and blow.

God, and my prospective visit to PSU was so _boring_ regarding the random distribution of hula skirts.

In MY day, we were boring and nerdy and we liked it!

Sorry about that -- won't happen again. As for how it got there, I was having sex on your desk.

(You know, if you didn't want strangers to have sex on your desk, you wouldn't have left it on the floor all weekend. You're partly to blame for this.)

By Hula Skirt (not verified) on 24 Mar 2008 #permalink