news of the day

it is a busy news day, with a number of breakthroughs reported in different fields, and a lot of changes here at ScienceBlogs
I'll try to update as more reports come in

The Quantum Pontiff reports a potential breakthrough in quantum computing using bleeding edge fusion technology.

Virgle, a new joint venture between Virgin Galactic and Google, has bought Mars. Markets rose on the announcement.
There are rumours that the SEC was to investigate Google for insider trading, and that they had abused their privileged position at Ames to find out about the NASA breakthrough propulsion technology, which enables this venture.
In unrelated news, Google is said to have sold the Mars mineral rights to Halliburton, and the Treasury announced they would abolish the SEC. (h/t KC).

Universe Today reveals a surprise secret plan to cover the impending NASA budget shortfall

The SuperWasp transit survey announces the discovery of 10 new planetsbut they're all Jupiter mass in one-few day orbits. Come on, who do they think they're kidding!

Laelaps has made a breakthrough in animal communications likely to be of intense interest to readers of this blog

Cliff at Asymptotia finds some remarkable news from the UK - think of it as evolution in action. See also Zoolilogix for the video

But, I fear Janet has gone off script. Not to worry, she will be dealt with...

Apparently Janet will be replaced by this "Dembski" guy, who, I am told, can speak authoritatively on a number of ethical issues.

Krugman reports on proposed solutions to the financial crisis (what crisis? DOW is up on some good news) - apparently it involves invading Canada.

NYT reports on a breakthrough in the psychology of pranks


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