More Cool Phoenix Pix

The Phoenix mission will only last about 90 days.
Starting to feel like they will be very intense 90 days, for some people.

HIRISE camera on MRO capture Phoenix parachute descent through Martian atmosphere

Oblique view - 0.76 m resolution from 310 km

That's kinda cool.


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They said in the press conferences that it could go on longer, "until mars freezes over" (or, more properly, until the sun drops below the horizon too much to charge the solar panels.)

But I want to know what the "polar bear" is....

Yeah, it is unlikely to spring back to life after winter, especially if it frosts over.

The "polar beer" looks interesting.
Did they drop the shell and parachute? Could be a piece of that, with some specular reflection.
Or ice... doesn't quite look right for ice though.
Crap resolution though.

Well, judging by the landscape, it definitely looks like it's in Phoenix. It can't be in Scottsdale or there would be a golf course somewhere in the middle of that.

It is a very cool photograph - especially when considering the raging sandstorm in the background of the first picture...just kidding!