there is always one...

why is there always One that hatesdoesn't click with you...

The Female Science Professor got her student evaluations...

As she notes, there is always one student who really does not like the class, the professor, the material, the method, anything...
At least one...

Now, she has some interesting conjecture about her particular One, which I am sorry to say could not possibly explain my One(s).

Our student evaluations score us on a strange numerical scale - high score is good.
Personally I just think that there is always one student who inverts the scale and things a "1" is good.
That's it.

Now, if I could only similarly rationalise the comments.
I know, it is modern teen slang - you know, like in the old days when "bad" really meant "really good".

I'm soooooo Bad.


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By Brad Holden (not verified) on 17 Jun 2008 #permalink

My teaching evaluations became very monotonous years ago. Most students like me and my class, some don't. Now of course they aren't asked what they like, or don't like, but that's what gets evaluated instead of what they learned.

The same thing goes with my annual institutional evaluation. I did some things they liked and some things they didn't like, or not enough, or something. They never just said, "you did a good job and more than earned your salary".

So although I don't advise my young colleagues to follow my example, I stopped reading them, and have been happier for it. Why worry about the fact that you can't please all the people all the time? So if those evaluations disturb your wa, I can only suggest abstinance.

Lending credence to the idea some students mark down the wrong numbers, a few years ago I had one student evaluation where the student wrote down that they really enjoyed the class (and perhaps even the instructor), and then proceeded to give the worst grades on the numerical scale.

By Pat Durrell (not verified) on 18 Jun 2008 #permalink