Dynamic Cats for Obama

Ok, The Official Dynamics of Cats Obama Campaign Donation Funding Match is on.

As promised

Site meter is up, a few hours early, so discount the number by some small n.

So... I'll take requests. Since this is in a good cause.

Is there anything people would like me to cover specifically during the next month, in my quest to actually maintain blogging activity before semester begins and to try to stay broadly on topic?


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McCain: Stay in Iraq, bomb Iran
Obama: Stay in Afghanistan, bomb Pakistan

Nice to see some real policy differences!

Still, Obama is far lesser evil of the two. McCain must not win, he's dangerous.

By Dunkleosteus (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

Explain why I read about UC President Yudof's E-mail to the faculty in your blog 3 hours before I actually got the E-mail. Are the electrons in California on work to rule?

The American Astronomical Society is in the process of examining its astronomy education programs, in light of a newly created vision document and strategic plan that was recently approved by the governing council. There has been a bit of information & opinion posted about this at the astrolrner discussion group (http://astronomy101.jpl.nasa.gov/discussion/index.cfm), including detailed postings by the AAS Executive Officer and Education Officer.

Perhaps you'd like to post something here about your thoughts on the role of your professional society in science education?

By Tom English (not verified) on 01 Aug 2008 #permalink