no money, no cheerios

head of major supermarket in Iceland encourages people to hoard food and to stop buying foreign products
no currency for food imports

this is a cultural catastrophe, no more cheerios for breakfast, the kids will have to eat skyr

CEO of Bonus, a major Icelandic grocery market says their foreign wholesalers are refusing lines of credit through Icelandic banks and demanding cash payment before supplying further goods. The store has been refused foreign currency.
This was 4 pm friday afternoon.

He encourages people to hoard food and to start buying locally produced goods only.

I guess the rumours I was hearing from my relatives have some truth to them.
Oil will run out next.

Oh, and there is a bankrun taking place. Pictures have been banned.
The icelandic government has reportedly asked pension funds to sell foreign holdings and buy local. They're "thinking about it".


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may the gods be with you

I'd been wondering what the worst-case scenario for the banking crisis looked like. Little did I know that it's happening in Iceland.
Best wishes to all in Iceland.

By Craig Heinke (not verified) on 05 Oct 2008 #permalink

I have been waiting for this day for years. Icelanders have been investing a lot in Denmark, but I don't think any of it has ever turned a profit.

Just who did you stupid monkeys think you were anyhow? You made your bed, now lie in it.

Just who did you stupid monkeys think you were anyhow?

I had no idea that there was such Danish-Icelandic hostility. This is as idiotic as folks who want refight the US Civil War.

There are people still alive who remember being ruled by Danes.
But we're only stroppy to our dear beloved cousins when they get uppity.
Family feuds are always the harshest.

"There are people still alive who remember being ruled by Danes."

Were we really so bad, you prefer to be ruled be the russians instead?

Just how will you repay this loan? With cod? I don't know what the russians will do once you'll have to default on this loan. But somehow I imagine it will not be pleasant.

Well, my grandmother seemed to think so. Look up the vote for independence sometime.
Anyway, the first couple of hundred years were bad, the next two hundred and fifty years were really bad, and then it got not quite as bad.

I actually at some level didn't really believe it had been all that bad, until I had a drink with some greenlanders a few years ago in a small town north of Koben.

The Russian loan is interesting, it may be a headfake to get the Norwegians to get their butt into gear.
Anyway, we can always ask them to take Illum in part exchange.

"the kids will have to eat skyr"
We happen to have spent this year's holidays around Iceland. And one of the fun things was our daily portion of Skyr
(and no we didn't visit Blue Lagoon).