no surprise

the US is not positioned to launch any attacks in the Middle East this week before the election

for several years, one item worth pondering was whether Bush and Cheney would attempt to take out Iran's nuclear capability.
Time is running out, the next new moon is this week, and the election is imminent.
An attack would scramble the political situation, possibly turning the election, or not.
After this month we run into thanksgiving and christmas, and I don't see the US Armed Forces launching an attack the week before inauguration of a new President.

But, the USS Roosevelt is alone in the Gulf. The USS Reagan has backed out and is exercising with the Indian Navy, and then presumably heading home. USS Lincoln already arrived in Seattle on schedule.
The USS Washington is patrolling up in the China Sea.
Eisenhower and Stennis are exercising for future deployments in the Atlantic and Pacific respectively.

There has been no (reported) surge in submarine deployments, nor have I heard of any unusual Air Force deployments.
Only peculiarity is that the Roosevelt went around Cape Good Hope to get there rather then through the Med and Suez.
Oh and that the US just bombed a village in Syria.

No potential attack posture, no way to get assets in place unless current unit locations are grossly misleading, and it is hard to hide an aircraft carrier group.


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