open borders policy

firegdoglake has an interesting story

"go right ahead boys"
"...What [he's] hearing from very trustworthy sources whom I've known for years is that the Syrians have completely withdrawn their forces from the border."

This could be problematic.
Damascus has cut off diplomatic relations with Baghdad.

Syria comment has report that Syria has reduced its border forces

Haaretz confirms withdrawal of Syrian border guards


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Hm, sticky.

It's going to be difficult to complain about Syria not protecting the integrity of it's borders when the US has demonstrated it doesn't give a toss about the integrity of those very same borders. Or at least difficult to do without looking like a bit of a prat.

It's going to be difficult to complain about Syria not protecting the integrity of it's borders

It always has been. The US has long complained about Syria not preventing militants from crossing its border into Iraq. As I understood it, that amounted to "You're letting people who want to leave Syria leave Syria." But the US allows most people who want to leave the US to leave the US.

Of course, you are right that the US position is even more ridiculous given the cross-border raids.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 31 Oct 2008 #permalink