iPod iChing - what now?

Indian summer and a friday. May snow this weekend...
So, that was exciting. Oh, Mighty iPod - what now?

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Light My Fire - Doors
  • The Crossing: Money - Pink Floyd
  • The Crown: Good Vibrations - Beach Boys
  • The Root: Dream River - Mavericks
  • The Past: Pump It Up - Elvis Costello
  • The Future: Maria - Green Day
  • The Questioner: T.V. Party - Black Flag
  • The House: End of the World - Cure
  • The Inside: Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest
  • The Outcome: Lilli Hittir Mikka Ref - Thorbjorn Egner

The Outcome is the Little Mouse meets the Tricky Fox.
Much shenanigans ensue, but in the end, after much angst and excitement, the Little Mouse triumphs and all the animals learn to live together in peace and harmony.

The Inside is intriguing - a destructive wind from the west?

As always, the Key as explained by Sean

The Future:


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