International "Talk Like A Banker Day"

We need one of those.

"I say, hand over your money. All of it, if you'd be so good.
Awfully decent of you chaps. Thank you most kindly."

"If you securitize the leveraged derivatives you enhance alpha, and you know housing prices never go down."

"They don't make any more land, you know."

"Your money is safe with us."

"No sir, there are no hidden fees."

"Quantitative easing is needed. Don't worry, we have top experts working on it.
Top experts."

If September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, shouldn't we have a Banker's Day also?

December 15th seems both clear and appropriate, it being the anniversary if Belisarius's defeat of the Vandals, and nicely spaced between black friday and sinterklaas day on the one hand, and solstice and boxing day on the other side.


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I bet bankers say "Argh" a lot, like other pirates.

How about
`Please sir...I want some more'?
(OK..more for the executives, but still...)

By Pat Durrell (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink