The Compleat Tanta

Calculated Risk is compiling a complete listing of the Tanta posts


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Tanta, one of the co-bloggers on the extraordinarily good blog Calculated Risk has passed away. She was infamous for her übernerd series of technical posts and analysis of micro and macro issues in the mortgage and finance industry. She'll be missed.
The Mortgage Pig strikes back click to embiggen Tanta at Calculated Risk is finally pushed over the edge We sometimes link because linking is an intrinsic good.
More critique and backlash on the proposed financial bailout: Krugman in NYT monday Tanta at Calculated Risk forwards a Congressional communique - it is worth the read. I like the suggestion that bankers should have to write nice begging letters explaining their stupidity for each bond they sell to…
Krugman worried that any prospects for the US avoiding depression would be scuppered by the collective action of the "fifty Herbert Hoovers" - the individual state governors acting to cut spending as the federal government tried to boost spending. If the states deflate faster than the feds can…