we'll all be sorry

More critique and backlash on the proposed financial bailout:

Krugman in NYT monday

Tanta at Calculated Risk forwards a Congressional communique - it is worth the read.
I like the suggestion that bankers should have to write nice begging letters explaining their stupidity for each bond they sell to the taxpayer.
(here is the original congresscritter missive at OpenLeft - worth reading for the unbowdlerized version - the fantasy that such a congresscritter still exists is worth it)

deLong suggest what looks at a glance to be a rational way of doing unearthing of shitpiles

'cause linking is an intrinsic good.


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In my humble opinion any Government intervention to resolve the current financial crisis should try to do the following:
1. Minimize losses to taxpayers.
2. Avoid future recurrence
3. Provide accountability: Who profited/who lost/who can make restitution payments?
The current Paulson plan may cover the first item, but I doubt it does even that. From this reader's point of view giving another blank check to this government is more than irresponsible, it's laughable.

Agreed. I've come to the conclusion this weekend that the Paulson bill may well be the worst bill I've ever seen in my life. Steal from the poor and give to the rich on a truly massive scale. I'm glad Obama has come out with reservations; I'd rather he (and the rest of Democrats in Congress) came out swinging against it with everything he's got.

By Craig Heinke (not verified) on 22 Sep 2008 #permalink