the future is coming

Where is my air car?

Living in the future is good, certainly beats the alternative.

But I'm not sure I was expecting a choice between a Charlie Stross wild ride or a Ken MacLeod dystopia.

Could be worse, we could still fit in a R.A.H. theocracy timeline with some bad luck.


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What strikes me as weird is that I easily get what you are saying. What an amazing time we live in that there is a subculture of some size that shares a set of fictional views of the future. We really are in some kind of future line! I call these "Miracle and Wonder" moments when I get a shiver down my neck that we are really in amazing times and doing amazing things. Kind of anti deja vu - we really are in NEW times.

What is frightening is how large a fraction of the science bloggers and readers instantly get it.

HP: not that sort of air car, silly.
More like this, but that actually works and has range.
With a jetpack in the boot of course,