KITP: getting organized

getting organized
- unlike the totally laid back string theorists, the astrophysics program has daily morning meetings to discuss progress
except today

today we get to meet after lunch, everybody was kinda busy this morning for some reason...

then we get informal short talk presentations once a week on thursdays, on top of the seminars, colloquia and lunch talks - the thursday talks will be recorded and podcast and video feeds made available online

ooh, first monday seminar will be:
""Emergent phenomena in negative heat capacity systems: fundamental physics from dense star clusters"
by, er, me.

so, what is hot...?

I'll get the workshop summary from last week done Real Soon Now,
number of interesting topics came up like black holes and stuff.

for now there is a wikispace: Cluster09

apparently we will also go to Arigato sushisome good local restaurant every thursday... see the wikispace for time and location and rsvp for booking purposes if required

sounds like we start with multiple stellar populations on wednesday; runaway mergers on thursday and extragalactic x-ray binaries, in clusters, on friday

somewhere in the pipeline are "the binary fraction", mass function of clusters, blue stragglers, evidence for intermediate mass black holes and the eternal question of accretion induced collapseelectron capture supernova


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