KITP: the things that students do

have you ever wondered what it is that graduate students do?
yeah, me too.
Well, know you can find out, from the horses' mouth

thursday afternoon was dedicated to a rapid fire "so, what have the graduate students been up to" as five of the students here at the program gave presentations on their research projects and what they've been up to in the last few weeks

good practise for them, and a learning experience all round
no pressure, just because about 87.3941% of their likely future employers were in the room, the atmosphere here is very collegial and laid back

Sourav on "Disturbed Blue Stars Bearing Clues to Cluster Properties"

Nathan on "A Simple Analytic Model for Blue Straggler Formation in Globular Clusters"

Charles-Philippe on "A Challenging Project: Modelling Mass Transfer in Binary Systems "

Tassos on "Population Synthesis Studies with Live Stellar Evolution"

JMB on "Compact Object Binaries in Star Clusters: Using N-Body and Monte Carlo Methods with a little PN"


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