linkedy links iv

in which we present:
the planet pool,
why we wear black
and the war on Iceland
among others

Pick a planet host
Kepler has First Light and the field is published (more on this later)
The Lab Lemming is running a pool on which star will have the most earth like planet detected...

but, what if you like to wear black AND you're a scientist...?
The FSP is on form

Easily Distracted: heterogenous prioritization in making decisions on where to cut in academia
I don't entirely agree, but the SLACs have different perspectives on how these things work

forbidden physics

The War Against Iceland
- at 6%, if you owe 850% of your GDP, over 50% of your GDP goes to service debt
Nope, that doesn't work, does it?

Someone is suing this guy.
We link to there as a public service.

Poor Texas
Krugman misunderstands - all the Texans Tom Delay knows are rich, way richer than average. QED.

Hawking is hospitalized
h/t Razib

or as TPM headlines put it:
" 'Very Ill' Stephen Hawking Rushed To Hospital
Major Stock Indexes Drop Over 3% "

That is verbatim off their front page at 14:39 eastern.
Right below Rahm Emmanuel's explanation for why prosecuting people who order torture is too much bother, and right above the news that Bush had illegal wiretap stuff on a democratic congresswoman but they held off investigating so she could head the intelligence committee, where she blocked any investigation into illegal wiretapping...
a wink's as good as a nod to a blind man...

Know your birds? GrrlScientist will test you

Museum Lust: bioephemera


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So have you picked one?

And on a related note, are all of you white dwarf degenerates going to scour the Kepler data for eclipsing white dwarf/ planet systems?