yes, more swine flu link
save the frog day
and other random bits
Ok, first the Swine Flu (there's some actual astro and other stuff below):
Revere: Pandemics - seen one...
Revere Channels Jon for the best news summaries
Revere: CFR, virulence and all that
Chandar blog: 4-way Cluster Collision
100th Carnival of Space - I keep forgetting those...
First Annual Save The Frogs Day!
er, we saved one from the pool yesterday... does that offset the two frogs and three tadpoles the kids decided to relocate to the new habitat they built? (h/t bioephemera)
RepRap - a printed printed circuit
I think this has some potential...
Iran: we like totally pwnd you l00s3rs!
h/t Yorkshire Ranter
Regulatory Capture
or, the "but I know all these guys, and they're so nice, and smart, and hospitable..." syndrome
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