mild flu

it is not just about lots of people dying

see medical doctors have a different perspective on severity
this was brought home to me by a relative who came off watch and described the shape of someone who had been injured earlier that day, described as "moderate" in the news

You: healthy
MD: healthy

You: not feeling too good
MD: you're healthy

You: ugh. tylenol, water, let me sleep
MD: healthy

You: feels like a bus hit me, burning up, achy, can't move, better stay home
MD: minor illness

You: half-conscious, can't walk, high fever, excruciating pain, vomiting, diarrhea
MD: hm, mild illness; tylenol, fluids and stay home for a couple of days

You: unconscious, can't breathe, severly dehydrated
MD: bother, serious illness, hospital, IV, maybe respiratory assistance or ICU

You: dead
MD: dead


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