Daily Show does LHC and other action items

Daily Show does the LHC
and the path integrals of our lives

Daily Show does the LHC!
Not bad, Ellis is pretty good. Link when they have it.
Do you know what at Kelvin is?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c
Large Hadron Collider
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic Crisis First 100 Days

damn, that was fast...

Life Path Integrals - at Information Processing
- reminds me of a Ted Chiang short story, or Anathem...
However, do note that the academic infinite postdoc path is closer to the sex&drugs&rocknroll then it is to corporate-kiss-ass...
by what metric we ask?

Do You Have Swine Flu?
yes, it is still funny...

Human genetic diversity
- and some fringe monocultures on the outskirts

Digital Biologist is having fun with the flu
- but still no Mexico sequences at NCBI last I checked...?

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Via the Bad Astronomer comes one of the most pathetic abuses of probability that I've ever seen. I'm simply amazed that this idiot was willing to go on television and say this. cellspacing='0' width='360' height='353'> The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c Large Hadron Collider…

About a week before this came out, Walter L. Wagner's website went dark and the deadline for a response to the government reply in the appeal to the mentioned dismissed Hawaiian lawsuit against the US funding sources of LHC came and went.


What's even worse. While mocking a particularly poor argument in Wagner's appeal opening brief (Feb 13.), I was the one who proposed Wagner go on The Daily Show.
